Have you recently received a renewal notice for your auto insurance, only to find that your rates have changed? There are many factors that can affect your rates, some of which may be out of your control, and others you have at least some control over. By having a better understanding of factors that can cause your rates to increase or decrease, you can be a better-informed policyholder.
Your Driving History…
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Are you in the process of getting auto insurance for one of your vehicles? If so, you may be wondering if you should get comprehensive insurance coverage. While it is not a requirement if your state mandates auto insurance, it can help you out in many situations. Here is what you need to know about comprehensive coverage.
What Comprehensive Insurance Covers
In states without no-fault insurance, basic auto insurance is designed to protect you in case you cause damage to another person’s car.…
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If you are over the age of 65, Medicare is a wonderful tool that you can use in order to save money on your health insurance. However, not all plans are created equal. If you feel you are paying too much for your Medicare Advantage plan, you may want to think about switching to one of the many Medicare supplement plans.
What is the difference between a Medicare Advantage plan and a Medicare Supplement plan?…
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