Auto insurance companies will be wary of selling you coverage if you have a medical issue that makes it dangerous for you to get behind the wheel. In fact, you are required to volunteer the information to your insurance company if you have such a condition. Even if you don’t do it, your auto insurance company can still learn of your medical condition via other channels, for example:
Your Doctor’s Report…
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If you love to landscape you would love to own your own landscaping business. If you decide to do this, then you need to make sure you have landscaping insurance. Because you will always be on your client’s property when landscaping, you need to make sure your insurance will cover any property damages that you may make on someone’s property. Also, the equipment used for landscaping can be dangerous, such as lawnmowers, weed eaters, and many gardening tools.…
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When it comes to buying auto insurance, many people don’t realize that the members of the household can have a direct effect on the premiums that you pay. Even if you don’t list someone as a covered driver on your policy, many insurance companies will still include their driving history as part of your premium. This is the result of a household risk analysis. It involves a thorough search of public records to identify every licensed driver at your address.…
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