When you purchase insurance for a new or used vehicle, you will be presented with a variety of coverage options, one of which is gap insurance. Although this type of insurance has been around for a while, many people are still confused about what this product does and does not cover. Here are the facts about two common misconceptions about gap insurance to ensure you know what you’re paying for.…
Home insurance is something you must have. It’s necessary in order to get a mortgage and even if your home is paid off, you want insurance to protect you against loss if your home is damaged. It’s a necessary monthly expense, but here is more information on four ways you can save a little money.
Evaluate Your Policy As Housing Prices Change
You’ll want to pace your insurance to match the price of your house.…
Your first apartment on your own is always an exciting event. Inside of your own space, you can live just how you want to without any issues. When you live alone, the safety and security of your belongings will also become your sole responsibility. Making sure that your doors have secure locks is the first step to personal security. The next is getting proper renter’s insurance. If you are shopping around for renters coverage before you officially move in, there are a few ways to make sure you select the right amount of coverage: …