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What To Do About Insurance When Your Car Serves As Both A Commercial And Personal Vehicle

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For independent business owners and contractors who use a vehicle for their work, commercial auto insurance is a necessity. Personal auto insurance doesn’t cover much in the way of business use. For people who use one car for both business and personal travel, both policies are necessary, and both should be allowable on one vehicle. But you may face certain restrictions, both in terms of who insures the car for what, and how you drive the car.…

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Factors To Review When Choosing A New Health Insurance Policy

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It is an unfortunate reality that there are many health problems that individuals may experience that will be extremely expensive to treat. To help protect against this risk, health insurance can be a valuable tool. Due to the importance of this coverage, individuals will need to be thorough when they are deciding on a particular health insurance plan to purchase. Consider Whether You Will Need To Add Family Members To The Healthcare Coverage…

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Does A Freelance Writer Need Business Insurance?

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As a freelance writer, you may wonder if you need business insurance. The answer is that it depends on a variety of factors. Here’s what kinds of business insurance freelance writers might need and when they might need it. Business insurance protects your business from financial losses due to unforeseen circumstances such as accidents, injuries, property damage, or legal action. If you have any employees, business insurance can also protect you from liability for their actions.…

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